Monday, 28 March 2011

Life on Paper

Running away from home when you're five years old is relatively easy. I think I packed my teddy, a pair of undies and an apple, and left a note saying, "I HAT you and my SISTA". So the paperwork back then was quite straightforward.
Running away in middle age is slightly more complex, and the paperwork is the most complicated part. The following is a very conservative list of the pieces of paper we've had to deal with in the last few weeks alone:
- US Visas: a slightly unnerving process which requires an interview under top security conditions at the US Consulate, and the provision of passports, licences, financial statements and property holdings.
- Suspending Medicare and private Health Insurance and taking out overseas cover.
- Transfering ownership of three cars, including sale of one.
- Sale of share portfolio including shares acquired over the last 20 years.
- 2010 tax
- Shipping of six boxes of goods to US and insurance cover for same.
- Rental arrangements for house
- Change of house contents insurance to landlord's cover
- International driver's licences
- Advise police of absence re driver and gun licences
- Firearms transfer forms
- Change of banking arrangements to an international bank (again, interviews and ID)
- Closure of utilities, including internet and payment of final accounts
- Mail redirection and changes of address
- Tickets, travel insurance, RV rental in US

I'm sure that's not all, and it isn't quite over yet, but we have ticked off most of the above list.
Now where did I leave that teddy?


  1. Oh my giddy aunt, that is madness. That's confirmed it, I can't run away. Well, not far anyway. I can't even get my superannuation or tax sorted out when I'm at home. How was your trip over? How is your mum? How is young Terrance faring? So many questions... so few answers... :)

  2. Doing a temporary runner isn't anywhere near as complicated...
    Answers: the trip was long and exhausting, though breaking it into bits - Perth to Singagpore (we stayed overnight in the transit hotel, Singapore to Tokyo (1 hr refuelling break), then to LA - was better than the long haul we did last time. Terry is pretty good - he's sleeping, still on WA time - while I seem to have done an instant conversion. Haven't seen mum yet, she's driving to Vegas on Thursday to pick us up. This is a kind of recovery stop, worth it for the beds alone - super king-size and like sleeping on clouds. How are you guys getting on?
