Sunday, 24 July 2011

Marina Life - the kindness of strangers

Hi everyone
Not a lot of sailing activity right now for several reasons: 1. We're trying to do the right thing and get properly certified for cruising in the US. Australia is pretty bureaucratic, but at least we all seem to work to the same set of rules. Here the relationship between federal, state and international rules is a morass - and if we don't get it right we're sure to run into the maritime equivalent of Sheriff Rosco P Coltrane*. 2. Still some work to be done on the boat, which should be well underway by tomorrow. 3. We're in the middle of a record-breaking heatwave. We Aussies are used to century plus (Farenheit) temperatures, but 3000% humidity is a bit enervating.

All that aside, life here in Mears Point Marina is pretty splendid. The very best thing about it is the generosity and camaraderie of the good people who live here or spend much of their time aboard their boats. For example, Jane's boat Bliss is an institution for happy hour, and the folks on O Dock run movie nights with the DVDs projected onto a sail. Dave and Penny Renoll have been endlessly generous in driving the carless Hogans to pick up groceries and boat parts; Steve and Margot of Island Duchess came to Terry's rescue when he got a puncture in his bike tyre; Tim and Pam Fisher of Querida Grande kindly invited us to their home for a delicious meal of buffalo burgers and fresh sweetcorn and shared their inspiring stories of cruising in the Caribbean, the Mediterranean and all places in between. People say that the cruising community works on karma, so I hope these kindnesses translate into well-timed acts of generosity back to all these fine people.

* Dukes of Hazzard

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